Thinking Thursday: Praying Offensively
Praying defensively to get OUT of trouble isn’t as effective as praying offensively IN the trouble.
Marriage mentor moments for spiritual transformation. God’s personality, salvation, trust, hope, worship, prayer, relationship with God.
Praying defensively to get OUT of trouble isn’t as effective as praying offensively IN the trouble.
How do I see my husband? When I glance at my husband do I really see his inner qualities, his true identity? Or do I see the problems instead? Help me see like you do, Jesus!
Are you a control freak in your marriage like me? Women tend to lean toward control, and men tend to lean toward passivity. God knows our nature and He has a plan to bring us into harmony.
When my marriage is feeling dry as a desert, God’s word waters ME with growth-producing refreshment. Why would I rather aim a fire hose of pointed Bible verses at my husband?
Long ago I learned that humility in me invites humility in others (even ‘prickly’ people). After years of my self-righteous attitude and God’s mysterious silence I discovered the answer was in my attitude after all.
That day when my thoughts go from, “we have so much in common” to “we are nothing alike!” And our differences Can. Be. So. Annoying. Is it really possible that God’s Grace makes us different?
We hate Monday’s and love Friday’s because of hope. Drink a dose of godly hope today and say something hopeful and life-giving to your hubby.
The only thing better than me achieving my goals is us achieving our goals together. We just created a new Marriage Mission Statement to help us achieve our goals in retirement.