Marriage Monday: When Little Things become Big Things

What do you do when little things become big things? It’s been pretty much non-stop stress for the past 3 weeks, and I found myself having a hissy fit over something very small this morning. So I needed to spend some time thinking about what to do when little things become big things.

My Little Thing

I’ve had a lot of Big Things lately. In the last 25 days, my husband Bruce had been in the hospital for 21 days, during the COVID pandemic, going through two brain surgeries, 24 hours on a ventilator, and pretty extensive cognitive and physical challenges as a result. There have been so many different prayer requests that went out to those who are praying for us. Such faithful friends and family – they’ve been so wonderful. We’ve walked through some pretty scary things and although it has been super hard, God has shown up and strengthened me time after time.

But today was different. After a host of life or death prayer requests, I had a simple one today that seems so little but is really so big. In all the moving they did with Bruce when he was mostly not able to fend for himself, in all the hard work the nurses, PA’s and doctors did to preserve his life, his phone charger got lost.

Such a little thing. The Verizon store is closed because it’s non-essential. I planned to head to the store to be there when they open to forage for a phone cord and then deliver it to the hospital for Bruce. He has just learned how to answer a phone call on his cell, how to accept a facetime call, and now the battery is dead. Yesterday when our family gathered in a zoom call, I held my phone up so they could see Bruce and he could talk to them on my facetime call. He loved seeing everyone. They loved seeing him, and his scar!

Such a little thing, but really a big thing. It’s our connection, a way to help him practice more language, to encourage him, and to encourage me!

What’s Your Little Thing?

You most likely don’t have the same story as I do. Our stories are all different, after all. But I think it’s pretty normal if you’ve been struggling with Big Things for a while, that sometimes the little things get so overwhelming.

What’s your little thing? A spilled glass of milk? A perceived slight from a long time friend? The car needs work. Little things can be anything really. It’s our reaction to them that alerts us to the fact that something big is happening. Pay attention.

In comparison, they seem inconsequential. But freaking out over a little thing is a signal to me that something is wrong. It’s a yellow flag. Pay attention to this!

I want to ruminate on it and ask God what I can learn. Here are some steps I’ve taken in the past, and today, to help me with the little things. I hope they help you with your little things too.


I’ve needed to take lots of small rests lately. I am not sleeping well because of my Big Thing. So I’m careful to carve out even a few minutes to rest.

Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”

Mark 6:31

Jesus needed rest too. This verse helps us see that sometimes he was so busy helping people he didn’t even have a chance to eat. He invites all of us to come and be with him in a quiet place for rest.

This doesn’t have to be super spiritual. Jesus slept just like us! So I take naps when I can. Sometimes I don’t even fall asleep, but just laying down and resting my eyes can help.

I’ve found a great way to rest with You Tube videos. Did you know there are literally hours of videos that have been uploaded that are just quiet, peaceful scenes with nature sounds? I’ve found a mountain stream, a crackling fireplace, a beach with waves, and trees with birds singing. I love just starting my evening off by vegging in front of one of these scenes and staring as if I were there, sitting by the side of a river and dangling my feet in the water.

Conversations with God

Having a conversation with God is a go-to for me to find a way to change my stress level. Just like any conversation, I talk and I listen!

Listening to God can be done through reading the Bible. I especially like the Psalms. The You Version Bible app has audio recordings of Scripture that can be played along with a timer.

I don’t journal really religiously. But I have been trying to get into more of a habit. The real benefit of journaling for me is after the fact. I can go back and read what I’ve written and remember the times in the past when God showed up and gave me peace.

God cares about your Big Things, but he also cares about your little things. Very much. In every situation, he wants to hear what’s on your heart, and how you feel about it.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Philippians 4:6

Change your Perspective

When my mind is ruminating on something stressful, with thoughts circling around and around, I have to do something to break the pattern, to stop the broken record from continuing to rehash the problem. That type of thinking is so unhealthy to me, and will not help me solve the problem at all.

So I usually have to change my perspective, what I’m seeing or doing. I might take a walk, call someone and share my burden, or play music and sing and dance if necessary.

All of these things can break the worrying thoughts and replace them with something positive and healthy. I think we sometimes feel that we have to keep worrying about a situation otherwise it will never get resolved. But worry puts our minds in a state of stress, and actually cuts off oxygen to the part of our brain called the Executive. I don’t know about you, but I want my Executive to have all the oxygen it needs!

Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Matthew 6:34

It’s ok to put the burden down for a bit, have some fun, change your perspective. You just might find that your little thing has faded away and isn’t an issue anymore.

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