Long ago I learned that humility in me invites humility in others (even ‘prickly’ people). After years of my self-righteous attitude and God’s mysterious silence I discovered the answer was in my attitude after all.
Prideful Prayers for Prickly
I was a prideful Christian, my prayers reflected that. In every conflict I would self-righteously pray that God would change them, those ‘prickly’ people I knew.
I thought God needed some help with changing people. I took over and dictated how to zap someone else into obedience. That’s so wrong on so many levels. When I prayed that way God was silent because He had nothing to say. I think that was one of those times the Holy Spirit was groaning!
When prayer seems unanswered, beware of trying to fix the blame on someone else. That is always a snare of Satan. You will find there is a reason which is a deep instruction to you, not to anyone else.
Oswald Chambers
Through studying God’s word I gradually began to see my own imperfections and realize that I am responsible for my responses, even if the other person started it. Once I recognized my part in the conflict and humbly asked God to help me change, things started happening.
Humility in me Invites Humility in Others
God’s perfect will is for me to grow to be more like Christ. I’m not in charge of anyone else, not my children, or my husband or any other person. As long as I’m alive, I will have work to do in this process of Christian growth. If I have a conflict with someone, then I have some work to do – on myself!
I found to my great delight that once I was humble enough to see my own faults and change, my prickly person was more humble too. Our relationship improved.
My new humility invited their humility to come out of hiding.
This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.
1 John 5:14 NIV
Humility actually is a very powerful trait. Jesus was the most humble person who ever lived, His power is undeniably supreme.
Hard to swallow? Hard to believed in our world that treats humility as weakness? God’s ways are not man’s ways for sure! My book, Making Peace with Prickly People will help you navigate the path to loving God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and loving your neighbor as yourself. There’s powerful humility written all through the pages. Visit pricklypeople.com for more details.
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