We believe in second-chance romance, that’s why we’re marriage mentors. And that’s why we wrote Love on Life Support. We asked three author friends who write in the genre why they believe in second-chance romance. Here are their replies. Make sure you read to the end to learn about our fun contest!
Read more: Why I Believe in Second-Chance RomanceWhat is a Second-Chance Romance?
A second-chance romance is a fiction sub-genre where love is given a second chance. For instance, this could be a couple who once had a thriving relationship and it goes sour. Are they brave enough to try with each other again, and can they revive what they once had?
Or, another twist could be an opportunity for someone widowed or divorced to open their hearts to find love with someone new. Can their wounded hearts ever trust love to revisit them?
Recently, we invited several author friends who have written second-chance romances to answer the question, “Why I believe in second-chance romance.” And, of course, we answered that same question about our own Love on Life Support. We hope you enjoy the different perspectives.
Rebecca Price Janney, author of Easton at Sunset and others

Rebecca Price Janney is the multi-award winning author of 26 books including her latest, Easton at Sunset, the sixth book in her award-winning Easton Series. A popular speaker for civic and patriotic organizations, churches, synagogues, women’s retreats, writing conferences, and schools, Rebecca also appears on radio and TV, as well as her own podcast, American Stories.
Easton at Sunset is an historical fiction novel about two people, over two hundred years apart, joined by blood ties, parallel experiences, and a winsome town beckoning “come home.”
Learn more and connect with Rebecca on her website.
Why Rebecca Believes in Second-Chance Romance
We tend to think of second chances at love as a fairly new idea, as if sometime after The Brady Bunch, people began to learn to love again after suffering a loss. Although I never went that far in my thinking, as I researched my book, Then Comes Marriage, as well as my Easton Series novels, I came to understand how second chances are nothing new under the sun. In fact, if we push back to biblical times, the story of Ruth vividly portrays one widow’s life as being rescued by her kinsman redeemer, who loved her dearly.
My interest in American history, particularly the colonial and Revolutionary War periods, led me to interesting stories that reinforced my personal belief in second chances for love. There’s the example of George Washington, who married widow Martha Custis with two young children whom he raised as his own. Theirs is a great American love story.
The examples of second chances at love became more personal for me as I researched my own ancestors. My six times great grandfather, Peter Kichline, lost his first wife in 1766 while they were both in their mid-forties. He found another wife in the small village of Easton, Pennsylvania and curiously, he and his oldest son, Peter, Jr., married sisters! (Peter Jr. is my five times great grandfather.) Sadly, both of those wives died young and not long after their marriages, most likely due to childbirth. Still in the primes of their lives, both father and son eventually married again – and were outlived by those wives.
The Bible is filled with stories of people who loved and lost, who failed and disappointed, but whom God raised up to new opportunities for love, for their good and His glory.
Chris Posti, author of Falling Apart, Falling for You

Chris Posti’s writing experience comes in a variety pack: novelist, nonfiction author, newspaper columnist, blogger, and article writer. Her first book, Falling Apart, Falling for You was published in April of 2022. Her second novel, Maybe Now, Maybe Never will be released in late 2023.
Falling Apart, Fallling for You is Contemporary fiction with a heavy dose of romance, including characters you can relate to. It’s a clean, fun read with an inspirational message and lots of surprises too! Just before publishing this post, Falling Apart, Falling for You was awarded the Christian Book Market Award in the Contemporary Novel category.
Learn more and connect with Chris on her website.
Why Chris Believes in Second-Chance Romance
Divorced and Christian. Those two adjectives don’t seem to go together, do they? But unfortunately, statistics tell us Christian couples get divorced about as often as secular ones. I was one of those unfortunate statistics and it took me a long time to figure out why. Over time, I grew spiritually, emotionally, and behaviorally. Eventually, I remarried.
My own experience has given me a heart for people going through divorce or living singly, especially when they’re in their 50s or beyond. Over the years, I facilitated a divorce support group, led a singles Bible study small group, and hosted plenty of parties for singles at my house.
Eventually I felt led to write a hopeful, encouraging novel for women over 50. I wanted it to be about everyday characters my readers could relate to. Falling Apart, Falling for You is the first book in a series of three novels about three women who find themselves together again for the first time since graduating from high school 40 years ago.
The novel is best described as Christian Contemporary Women’s Fiction with Elements of Romance. Suzanne is divorced; Rachel has just become widowed; Marla’s been too busy making money to get married. Along with other story lines, each of them has at least one romantic interest—but how things turn out for them is not predictable.
For me, the road to a happy marriage was also unpredictable, but I knew I was on the right track because a friend of mine, also a divorced Christian, impressed this Bible passage on my heart.
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Matthew 6:33
That’s the secret for living the life God intends—the best life of all—whether married or not.
Brenda Hasse, author of Leaving You Behind

Brenda Hasse is a multi-award-winning author of fiction and non-fiction novels and a freelance writer. Her eclectic work includes various genres – young adult historical romance, pre-teen historical mystery, adult metaphysical/visionary, biography, and romantic thriller/suspense. She is also the author of several picture books for children. Brenda resides in Fenton, Michigan, with her husband and cats.
Leaving you Behind is a paranormal ghost romance about a young grief-stricken widow who vows to never love another for the remainder of her life. She meets a successful bachelor who wonders if he can successfully tear down the protective wall encasing her heart.
Learn more and connect with Brenda on her website.
Why Brenda Believes in Second-Chance Romance
I believe it is human nature to be in the company of others, to age gracefully while having that special someone cheering every success, empathizing with every failure, and walking by our side through life. The loss of a companion can cut deeply into our hearts, hardening our minds to ever accept another in taking their place. The feeling of abandonment and loneliness can cause a feeling of being lost, blindly enduring each day, wondering how to move forward without them.
With a firm belief in life after death, we may question if our loved ones remain nearby, watching over us like a guardian angel while we grieve? Are they always there beside us, unseen? Would they want us to live the remainder of our days alone?
I admire my mother who has experienced a divorce and outlived two husbands. Another is my high school classmate, who married at age twenty-five and lost her husband a year and a day after they married. Both women continue to look positively toward each day as a blessing as they continue their journey through life. They inspired me to write Leaving You Behind.
In my novel, Leaving You Behind, a young couple is torn apart by his sudden death. In his afterlife, he refuses to cross over into Heaven until he is assured his wife has fallen in love again.
I can think of no greater love, other than the love of our Lord, than to want someone to move forward after suffering such a loss and live their remaining days in the company of another. Even though some may choose to remain single after a tragedy, everyone deserves a second chance at companionship and happiness.
Don’t close the book when bad things happen in your life. Just turn the page and begin a new chapter.
Why Bruce and I Believe in Second-Chance Romance

When we started planning our first novel, Love on Life Support, we knew it would be a second-chance romance. After all, we are marriage mentors! Our belief in second chances is what drives our work in this challenging yet rewarding ministry. Many couples have come to us in a last-ditch effort to renew their love. Sometimes, sadly, they do end up divorcing. But when each spouse is willing to ask God what they can do to make their marriage last a lifetime – well those couples and their successes are what keeps us going.
Several of our fellow mentor couples are in blended marriages, which is a great example of second-chance romance in action. Not only have they healed from their past and opened their hearts to find love again, but they use their experience to bless others. They are wonderful examples, working with other struggling couples, to show them that second-chances in romance are indeed possible.
We also believe in second chances at love because God does. His love never fails, and He gives us chance after chance to be in a loving relationship with Him. Even if we make the decision to turn toward him in our last moment on earth, He receives us with love.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
John 3:16
Do you Believe in Second-Chance Romance? Enter our Book Giveaway!
How about you, do you believe in second chances at love? We are running a contest for a free paperback copy of Love on Life Support. Simply comment on this post and give us a sentence or two stating why you believe in second-chance romance. Each comment will be an entry in the book giveawsy (one per person), and we will randomly choose the winner. Contest ends at midnight, September 16, 2023.
I believe in second chance romance because I’ve witnessed people I love who have found love again after the loss of a spouse or divorce. But I have doubted it for myself, now single for 26 years after divorce. I’ve enjoy d reading these author’s sites presented here! Maybe there is still hope?
Alyson, thank you for sharing these tender words and for entering the contest. I appreciate you!
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