Bloom… drop-dead Gorgeous! At the Marriage Supper in Heaven, we won’t be celebrating because we look drop-dead gorgeous in our gowns.
Instead, we will explode in praise from deep in our soul because our drop-dead gorgeous appearance will perfectly and accurately bloom from the sprouts of who we are on the inside.
We’ll be in Full Bloom Then
My daughter is a gifted event planner at Curtsy and Bow, who puts so much love and skill into the special days she weaves together. No detail escapes her attention.
The Bible says our wedding celebrations today are a reflection of The Wedding Celebration in Heaven. It says we will wear a “robe of righteousness”, and the word righteousness means accuracy.
Seeds in the ground sprout flowers that accurately reflect the identity of the seed (daisy seeds never sprout roses).
Just like that, our true, drop-dead gorgeous Inner Beauty in Heaven will bloom into our drop-dead gorgeous gowns.
The first person you meet in heaven will be yourself.
John Burke, Imagine Heaven
Start Sprouting Now
Even though we won’t be in full bloom as Daughters of the King until we’re in Heaven, God is watering us with His word and feeding us His truth so we will begin to sprout into who He designed us to be, into our true identity. As we replace the lies we’ve believed with His truth, we will grow to be more and more like our true selves, accurately reflecting His divine
And that’s a beautiful thing, Drop-Dead Gorgeous!
Abba, I may not be in full bloom until I’m in Heaven, but would ‘Ya help me sprout Inner Beauty now?
“I will sing for joy in GOD, explode in praise from deep in my soul! He dressed me up in a suit of salvation, he outfitted me in a robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom who puts on a tuxedo and a bride a jeweled tiara. For as the earth bursts with spring wildflowers, and as a garden cascades with blossoms, So the Master, GOD, brings righteousness into full bloom and puts praise on display before the nations.”
Isaiah 61:10-11 MSG
How to Germinate your Seeds
A great way to “sprout” into your true identity starts with truly knowing God, who is our pattern. My books can help you on that journey.
“Making Peace with Prickly People” and “Mindful” both explore the two greatest commandments: Love God and love your neighbor as yourself. We have to start with Who God is, and how He loves us. Before we can love our neighbor, we have to understand our own self-love. If we love ourselves in a healthy way, we will love our neighbor in a healthy way too – especially if our ‘neighbor’ is our spouse!
Making Peace does this in the format of a book with a Bible study guide. Mindful takes the same journey in the format of a 30 day devotional with coloring pages.
May you continue on your journey to sprouting and blooming, Drop-Dead Gorgeous!
…because U count, deb