Marriage Monday: Breathing Life into a Mismatched Marriage
How can my marriage thrive when we are spiritually mismatched? If just one of you is thriving in your faith, you will breathe life into your mismatched marriage.
Marriage mentor moments for spiritual transformation. God’s personality, salvation, trust, hope, worship, prayer, relationship with God.
How can my marriage thrive when we are spiritually mismatched? If just one of you is thriving in your faith, you will breathe life into your mismatched marriage.
Why should I love the unlovely? Because I’m lovely in the inside, of course.
Thinking about coming to Jesus… Have you had a “come to Jesus” moment? Are you waiting until you can get your act together? Or maybe you are humming along in life and don’t need Him…yet.
Someone recently asked us what is the number one reason married couples have conflict? We looked at each other-one glance confirmed we both had the same idea. Yep-the number one reason married couples have conflict, as we see it, is immaturity – revealed in the way they speak to one another.
Forgiveness God’s way looks so different from forgiveness our way. If you’ve had trouble forgiving your spouse, hanging on to grudges, and feeling resentful, maybe it’s time to try a different way. God’s way.
Changing my name in marriage is recalling the meaning and value God gives to marriage. Mr. & Mrs. symbolizes the amazing gift of two becoming one.
The fruit God coaxes out of my once broken heart is the salve for healing broken relationships.
Looking back at our Christmas memories, the ones that warm my heart were not the picture-perfect Martha Stewart Christmases. Our most precious memories of what Christmas is truly about were what you might call the Christmas disasters.