God called me to follow Him just at the brink of a family tragedy. My journey to healing was long and at times painful, but oh-so-worth-it. Although I don’t have it all figured out, and God is definitely not done with me yet, my greatest joy is sharing what He’s teaching me about forgiveness, identity, and destiny.
My husband Bruce and I have been married for over 40 years. We lead the Marriage Ministry Team at the Kensington Church campus in Orion, Michigan. We train other mentors, serve couples in crisis, and nurture a space where marriages can thrive in community. We use the Prepare-Enrich assessment as part of our program and are available to train facilitators in this industry standard marriage tool.
We live in Michigan, where the people are hardy! We have two married children and 2 grandsons. In my spare time, I love to hike, read, and crochet. Bruce and I, along with my sister Kathy and her husband Craig have set a goal to hike One Million Steps across America, state by state. We’ve completed 30 hikes so far: over 700,000 steps.
For Women’s Ministry Leaders:
I’ve been where you are! I know how challenging your job can be in coordinating women’s ministry events. I make a point of responding quickly to all emails and calls. I love to pray for the groups I speak for and the leadership teams I serve with. I will work with your team to personalize my program for your group. I’m here to serve you. I’ve got creative ideas for icebreakers, small group discussion questions, games, and more. Just ask!
Contact me and let’s talk!

Speaking Topics
When Bruce and I are not mentoring together, I’m ministering to women from all walks of life through mentoring, blogging, and speaking.
Sometimes I’m in coffee shops having a private conversation, and sometimes I’m at the front of an auditorium, but my favorite part of what I do is connecting with women.
Contact me and let’s talk!
Some of my topics include:
Do Not Lose Heart!
Is the current Covid crisis, social distancing, and racial unrest causing stress above and beyond what you can imagine? How about having your kids return (or not) to school in the crisis? And let’s not forget the contentious political climate racing toward a divisive election. And, for some of us, horrendous storms, fires, and floods.
Many things can initiate a stress reaction in our bodies. When we experience hours, days, or weeks of constant stress, we initiate detrimental effects in our physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual health.
God has a lot to say about how to handle stress-inducing situations, and He never recommends having a hissy-fit!
This topic focuses on the intersection of God’s word and current brain science as they relate to how we think and deal with stress in our lives.
We have power over our thoughts, but our thoughts have power over us!
Your audience will leave encouraged and equipped to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
Mindfully Joyful
Be intentional about being present and mindful of the Holy Spirit. Use your God-given abilities of memorization, meditation, and imagination to more fully enjoy your life as a Daughter of the King.
Aspire: Possessing God’s Promises
The King of Kings promises incredible gifts to us: a New Identity, a Divine Nature, and Sacred Intimacy. God invites us to relish His gifts, but we get stuck in our old identity, our wounded nature, and superficial connection to God. Do you aspire for more? Journey with us to embrace God’s Masterpiece called You.
Making Peace with Prickly People
We try over and over to improve a relationship and yet nothing ever changes! Are you ready to try something new? The secret to making peace in relationships is given in the two greatest commandments:
- Love God with all your heart, soul, mind & strength
- Love your Neighbor as Yourself
For those not sure how to make peace with God, who struggle to be at peace with themselves, or who fail at navigating personality clashes with prickly people. Come on a journey with us to discover how to open the door to real, lasting peace.
The Powerful Influence of Noble Women
Have you ever wished you had more influence? Do you long to make an impact for Christ? Is there a hidden gem of nobility deep down inside that longs to spring forth? “The Powerful Influence of Noble Women” is a new look at the old story of Ruth in Scripture.
Ruth was a Noble Woman, and her powerful influence not only changed her mother-in-law, but history itself. Examine this familiar book by diving deep into the mother-in-law/ daughter-in-law relationship between Naomi and Ruth. Hurt people hurt people, but healthy people help people.
I’m MAD at You!
Deb Potts is an expert at being mad! Holding grudges is just one way of “getting back” at someone who hurt us. We want to give them what they deserve, that’s fair – right?
The problem is that grudge will grow into stinky, rotten contempt over time. Jim Daly writes, “Relationships thrive when we put aside what someone deserves and give them what they need.” Join Deb as she unpacks godly forgiveness both Vertical (between you and God) and Horizontal (between you and “Prickly”). Learn how to forgive almost anyone, and whom we should never forgive.