Thinking about coming to Jesus… Have you had a “come to Jesus” moment? Are you waiting until you can get your act together? Or maybe you are humming along in life and don’t need Him…yet.
My “Come to Jesus” Moment
My “come to Jesus” moment happened when my life on the outside looked really good. But I was feeling an echoing hollowness inside that my shiny life couldn’t satisfy.
We were living in Europe, a dream come true for us. Since we were college students and heard a presentation from someone who had lived overseas as an expat, the seed was planted that would one day sprout to this exciting opportunity.
It was like we had a list of how to have a meaningful life, and we were checking all the boxes.
- Nice house; check!
- Two kids, a boy and a girl who were (mostly) well-behaved; check!
- An executive husband who brought home a fat paycheck; check!
- Leadership positions as a volunteer in school and church; check!
- Opportunity to live overseas, travel and meet fascinating people from all over the world; check!
It’s a long story, which I share in my book, Making Peace with Prickly People (affiliate link), but I felt a tug on my heart after one particular day in Bible study. I had a pretty awesome life…on the outside. But inside was another story. I had long term resentment and bitterness and broken relationships. This emotional mess was carefully tucked inside me so no one could see, but I experienced physical and emotional disease because of it. I longed for peace, but couldn’t manufacture it on my own.
I was drawn to this Man who loved me just as I was. He was known as the Prince of Peace. That’s what I needed. And so I came to Jesus.
Another “Come to Jesus” Moment
An ancient woman had a come to Jesus moment that God included in the Bible. She was one of those type of people who didn’t have a bright shiny life on the outside…or on the inside. For God, it’s only the inside that matters, and so she was just as broken and wounded as I was thousands of years later. Here’s her story.
Afterward, a Jewish religious leader named Simon asked Jesus to his home for dinner. Jesus accepted the invitation. When he went to Simon’s home, he took his place at the table. In the neighborhood there was an immoral woman of the streets, known to all to be a prostitute. When she heard about Jesus being in Simon’s house, she took an exquisite flask made from alabaster, filled it with the most expensive perfume, went right into the home of the Jewish religious leader, and knelt at the feet of Jesus in front of all the guests. Broken and weeping, she covered his feet with the tears that fell from her face. She kept crying and drying his feet with her long hair. Over and over she kissed Jesus’ feet. Then she opened her flask and anointed his feet with her costly perfume as an act of worship.
Luke 7:36-38 TPT
This woman is nameless, she represents any of us. We are all just the same as her on the inside. We need redemption and healing and peace and love that only Jesus can give.
Don’t wait until you get your act cleaned up and your head on straight. Don’t delay until you rescue your reputation, until you’re free of pride and lust, of jealousy and self-hatred. Come to Me now in your brokenness and sinfulness. Come now, with all your fears and insecurities. I will love you just the way you are-just the way you are, not the way you think you should be.
Brennan Manning
Your “Come to Jesus” Moment
Have you recognized the reason for the ache in your soul? How do I know you have an ache? Unless you are a bot reading my blog, you are human.
Don’t wait to get your act together, let go of your need to mask and cover up so others won’t see. We all have this God-shaped void in our souls and only Jesus can fill it.
Download and read my free resource, No Greater Love. And begin to really live.