Are you wondering how long the wait will be for a vibrant, life-giving marriage? It’s hard to sit in the Waiting Room. God’s actively present and intentional ‘in’ the waiting…are you?
How did we Get in the Waiting Room?
I hear many heart-breaking stories from women who are waiting and wondering if their dreams for their marriages will ever be realized. Things just didn’t turn out like they expected. The man they thought was Prince Charming has lost his charm. Deep disappointments can make us feel stuck.
Sometimes wives might decide God must need help in changing their husbands so they roll up their sleeves and go to work. On hubby. @ThisNeverWorks.
Most likely he will dig his heels in and refuse to budge (truth is she is probably doing the same thing!). This self-imposed burden of a wife playing God quickly gets overwhelmingly frustrating. It goes no where and your marriage becomes more and more sour.
What to do in the Waiting Room
If this is you, there’s a lot you can do…in the waiting room. Jesus lovingly invites you to lay down the burden of changing another person and just come to Him. Get connected to Him, learn from Him, lean on Him, get filled up by Him. Take on His plan for vibrant life. Rest your soul in Him.
We were never meant to carry God-sized jobs. It’s all we can do to handle our own spiritual growth.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
Matthew 11:28-30 NIV
Be intentional, be all “in” the waiting room. Use this time to grow closer to Jesus. Your thoughts, words, and actions will be transformed. You will be more fulfilled and abundantly joyful.
Just imagine what it might be like if you were married to a fulfilled, abundantly joyful person. Just imagine what it might be like if your spouse were! Read “What’s it like to be Married to me, and other Dangerous Questions” by Linda Dillow (this is an affiliate link).
…because U count, deb