Are you in God’s Waiting Room? Waiting for God is the hardest. You have prayed for peace in your marriage and believe God wants that for you. But nothing is changing. The waiting is getting intolerable. But, maybe, God has a purpose for the waiting other than just biding your time.
Are you in God’s Waiting Room?
Is this like you? Have you been praying for a change in your marriage for a long time? Do you believe that God can and will bring about change? But do you feel that things are just at a standstill?
It’s normal to begin to think, is God even listening to my prayers? Does He care about my unhappiness? We ask, how long do I have to wait? I don’t see a light at the end of this tunnel.
Sometimes the wives I mentor start to give up on God, on the church, on prayer, on Bible reading. They feel like God has given up on them and they start to give up on God.
But does that sound like the God we know? He says he will never leave us or forsake us. So where in the world is He?
Why am I in God’s Waiting Room?
Maybe God hasn’t abandoned you. Maybe you’re not really waiting on God. Maybe He’s waiting for you! If you are in God’s Waiting Room, here’s a quote to help you know what to do while you are waiting in the darkness.
When God gives a vision and darkness follows, wait. God will make you in accordance with the vision He has given if you will wait His time… [you will find that] years of silence were a time of discipline, not of displeasure.
Oswald Chambers
Sweet wives, can I encourage you with this? You are in God’s Waiting Room and the purpose of waiting is good – for your own personal growth and ultimate joy. God isn’t angry with you, He loves you. He will never leave you. He is waiting for you to turn to Him in trust and hope.
What to do in God’s Waiting Room
If we spend our waiting time focused on seeing change in our husbands and not on seeing change in ourselves, the waiting becomes hopeless and endless.
Instead, if we spend our time in God’s Waiting Room growing closer to Jesus and using the challenges of our marriages to make us better instead of bitter, waiting becomes hopeful and redeeming.
I waited and waited and waited some more, patiently, knowing God would come through for me. Then, at last, he bent down and listened to my cry. He stooped down to lift me out of danger from the desolate pit I was in, out of the muddy mess I had fallen into. Now he’s lifted me up into a firm, secure place and steadied me while I walk along his ascending path. A new song for a new day rises up in me every time I think about how he breaks through for me! Ecstatic praise pours out of my mouth until everyone hears how God has set me free. Many will see his miracles; they’ll stand in awe of God and fall in love with him!
Psalms 40: 1-3 TPT
Don’t be afraid to ask questions in God’s Waiting Room. He’s totally ok with that. Here are a few examples.
- God, how much longer? I’m getting weary of waiting.
- God, what do you want me to know about this waiting room?
- God, I need you in this waiting, please give me hope and peace.
- God, how can I grow to be more like You in this waiting?
- God, please help my husband to see my faith and be won over without a word from me.
Sisters, I pray you will find some peace in this post and that your time in God’s Waiting Room is deeply fulfilling.
…because U count, deb