We all want to help our husbands be better men, right? But sometimes, when our little tips and hints fail to produce results, we ramp it up by using sarcasm.
But look at the origin of this word. ‘Sar’ means ‘tear’ and ‘casm’ means ‘flesh!’ Without realizing it, our words can be biting and hurtful. Even without words, our tone of voice or rolling eyes can speak death to the man when we only want him to pick up his socks. Sarcasm is damaging, and never helps a person change… in a positive way.
Instead, look for ways to appreciate him for who he is more than what he does. Ask God to help you see him like God sees him. Build him up with life-giving words. The number one need of a husband is to be cheered by his wife.
He’s more likely to be the best husband if you are the best wife.
“Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you.”
Ephesians 4:29 GNT